13 Tips to Easily Pass Anatomy and Physiology
By Chase |
My 13 Tips to Help You Pass Anatomy and Physiology:
If you are trying to study for anatomy and physiology, this is no small task. This is a difficult course that will challenge you in many ways. There are fortunately several things you can do in order to better study for this course. Here are some tips that might make it easier for you to study for these types of tests:
- Use every resource you can get your hands on—this means that you use your textbook and lab book as often as possible. There will be many different cadavers to know about and there won’t be enough time for you to look at them all. For this reason, you need to look at the text book as well as the lab manual to see what the various types of anatomy there are in the human body.
- Determine how you learn—there are several ways to learn about anatomy and physiology. You may be able to read the text book and get everything you want to about the task of anatomy and physiology or you might wish to use some flash cards. Some people memorize mnemonics in order to remember all of the things they need to know in order to memorize the various anatomical parts.
- Join a study group—this may or may not work for you. If you join a study group that is on-task, you will get a lot out of it. If you join a study group that just talks and doesn’t get into the subject, you will just be wasting your time. Find a study group that can quiz you about the various things you’ll need to know in order to pass the test.
- Get enough sleep—this is something everyone should understand. When you sleep, you memorize things better because this is the time that you can use your brain to learn about the various things that you need to know in order to remember the various anatomical parts.
- Shorten your study lessons—when you study for long periods of time, you may get burned out and won’t be able to remember anything. If your study sessions are short, you can better grasp the information in small batches and will be better able to keep on task without having to know about everything possible in a long session.
- Try to reduce your stress levels—freaking out about the test won’t help you learn anything really well. Anatomy and physiology is scary but not that scary. You won’t do yourself any favors by simply freaking out. Try to stay as calm as possible and don’t get yourself into trouble by getting all stressed out. It really isn’t as bad as you think it is.
- Keep self-confident—remember that you can do anything you put your mind to. This is a challenging course but, if you stay self-confident, you will keep that emotional edge that will help you get through the tough parts of the course. Breathe deeply and know that you will be able to do just about anything you put your mind to.
- Read the syllabus—the syllabus is what you really want to look carefully at. You should make sure you know what the course objectives are so that you can remember all of the things that you need to know. The syllabus is your guide to learning all you need to know about anatomy and physiology so that you can better understand what it is that will keep you on task as you put yourself through the course.
- Try to get an interview with the instructor—talk to your instructor as early in the semester as possible, even before you actually take the course. The instructor will let you know what it is you need to study and will help you understand what it is you’ll need to study for in order to pass the test. Your instructor can be helpful to you throughout the course and will be valuable to you from the start of the course through to the end. Get a handle on the teaching method of your instructor so that you understand how best to get the information you need in order to get the most out of his or her instructions. This will help you get the best possible grade.
- Share your class notes with your instructor—take regular notes and show them to your instructor. Make sure he or she looks at them and ask them if you have learned the finer points involved in your coursework. Listen to the instructor in order to find out what it is your instructor wants you to learn about. Take notes on what your instructor tells you about your note-taking abilities.
- Don’t let what you already know to interfere with what you have to learn—if you already know something about anatomy and physiology, you may interfere with what your instructor is teaching you. You already know something; however, this can be different than what your instructor teaches. Forget what you’ve learned in the past and pay better attention to what you are learning about during this course.
- Check your facts using the textbook—don’t rely on Google to give you the information you need to learn about in your course. The text book and work book should have everything you need in order to pass the test. Internet research may be flawed and you may wish to avoid getting the wrong information. The text book is what you really need to know in order to be prepared to take the test.
- Learn your anatomic directions—knowing things like caudal, superior, inferior, and rostral will help you remember the various things that will help you understand the various medical terms you’ll need to memorize. Pay attention to these directional terms so that you can better understand the various terms you need to know as part of your coursework. Don’t get things like left or right confused, and don’t get superior and inferior confused. You will only have problems on the test if you don’t know these directional terms.
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Ashley Giron
January 23, 2017 at 5:02 am
This is a great book! I am taking Anatomy and Physiology in school right now and this book is such a great help!!